How to Donate

Help Support our Mission

Your contribution will not only help support our bilingual enrichment after-school program but as well as support the Rafael Hernandez school!

With your donation, you will help us continue partnerships such as Karate, African Dance & Drumming, 3Point, 10Boys Initiative, Nature club in the after school program, and support class-led initiatives such as field trips to the statehouse, local museums, and workshops for families at the Hernandez school.

We also accept in-kind donations such as board games, school supplies, and more!

COVID-19 Relief

With so much uncertainty and concern surrounding the recent novel coronavirus, it’s easy to feel helpless—but there is something we can all do to help the fight against it. Aside from keeping safe and following guidelines from medical experts, we can all do our part to get help to people and regions that have been affected.

By fundraising for coronavirus relief efforts, or donating to our Hernández COVID-19 relief fund, we can all do our part and provide much-needed support and aid. Here at the Rafael Hernández K-8 in Roxbury, MA, we are preparing to support our families this summer by providing remote learning packs to all Hernández students as well as they have access to basic needs such as food and mental health resources.


If you would like to speak to someone about making a contribution, please email FOH Executive Director, Sara Kilroy at and/or RHS Principal, Carolina Brito at

How to Donate

Checks or money orders can be mailed to:
Friends of the Hernandez,
61 School Street, Roxbury
MA 02119.

Donate stock by providing the brokerage with the following information:

  • Account name: Friends of the Rafael Hernandez School, Inc.
  • Account number: 33016951
  • DTC # 0445

Please let us know when the transfer has been made so we can verify receipt in our account. If you have any questions, contact:

Sara Kilroy

Executive Director

John Wortham

Financial Adviser

Text: 617-291-0109

Carolina Brito


Ana Bálcarcel

Board Treasurer

Danielle Costello 

Or Donate online by clicking the icon below!

Financial contributions of any amount or gifts in kind are essential to support the Hernandez community. Contributions to our 501(c)3, Friends of the Hernandez, are tax-deductible.

Your Impact

Friends of the Hernández could not achieve its mission without the people, businesses, and grantmakers that support us. Thank you.

Donor Spotlight!