
Interested In Enrolling Your Child/ren?

Are you interested in enrolling your child or children to the Hernández After School Program (HASP)? Download the application! You may also ask for a copy from the main office and then return it to the main office.

Questions? Contact Anita Torres, atorres@bostonpublicschools.org

Cost of Attendance

Here at HASP, we pride ourselves on our affordability. Below you’ll find our enrollment fees for the school year, but feel free to reach out to us if you qualify for reduced rates — we firmly believe in quality after school care for every child. There will also be a $35 registration fee for new participants to the program.


Interested in vouchers? Please contact the Child Care Choice of Boston Center at 617-542-5437 or visit their website at childcarechoicesofboston.org.

Additionally, if you experience financial hardship and none of the above options work for your family, please contact us at (617) 635-8187 ext. 11091 or email Anita Torres at atorres@bostonpublicschools.org

Disclosure: There may be a waitlist for certain grades. We run on a first come, first serve basis.